Fantasy Elf Portrait
A painting of a fantasy Elf, sitting for a portrait.

Sci-Fi Girl
A futuristic, tattooed woman.

A portrait of a friend from France.

Self-Portrait 03
A portrait of myself, painted from life (observing my reflection in a mirror.)

Self-Portrait 02
A portrait of myself, painted from life (observing my reflection in a mirror.)

Kate Beckinsale
A digital portrait of the actress, Kate Beckinsale.

'T-Bag' Portrait
A portrait of the fictitious character Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell (of Prison Break.)
Painted using oil, and acrylic paints.

Self-Portrait 01
A portrait of myself, painted from life (observing my reflection in a mirror.)

Sarah Michelle Gellar
A portrait of the actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Painted using acrylic paints.

A portrait of Tolkien's character, Thranduil (as portrayed by the actor Lee Pace, in Peter Jackson's movie trilogy.)

A portrait of a friend from Egypt.