Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Psychological Tendencies: Opposites

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

So often a person will present their opposite to the world. One outwardly narcissistic, does so as a protection against ingrained, deep-rooted insecurities (often stemming from low self esteem, or social anxieties). A person who asserts their humility, however, is so often amongst the most conceited, and plays the 'courtier' to navigate the tribulations of societal expectancies. The confident, is the least confident, the comedian, is the manic-depressive etc.

Do not judge a person on what they 'present', with time you will see them for their actions, and will come to understand that it is within the subtleties, and the nuances of the patterns they formulate, that their true character is revealed.