Informationally:- As the increase within the sophistication of artificial intelligence technology manifests greatly/further more-so; seemingly the importance of cultural artifacts—cultural 'objects' accordingly—may additionally increase within value; presuming that the morphological (anatomy); and physiological aspects of a human organism (or like sentient entity/being therefore/therein accordingly); does not substantially change/alter from what is currently—as of the writing of this statement, this message—observably recognised (meaning part of the 'alignment problem' may warrant a synergy, fusion, an amalgamation of the organic, with the synthetic, the analogue with the digital); then seemingly artwork, and more analogue forms of data, and information (just as hand-written, perhaps cursive writing formats, and more 'singular' forms of currently observed category types; such as digital, and analogue books; being manually created, and resulting within a unique singular item/object resulting); maybe viewed as somewhat of an oddity, an anomaly, a curiosity; by both organic, and synthetic—'intelligence-based'— 'observers' accordingly; just as institutions prioritising incentivising the preservation—via archival quality techniques of preservation—of cultural objects, and artifacts; exemplify—as museum, and library spaces seemingly do—a fascination with history, and the story—the narrative—of that which is unique, and seemingly somewhat 'singular'; my artwork I create via the application of more traditional techniques, and media types; although this is seemingly not and either, or situation; although an 'and'; meaning that each of the analogue, and digital format types can simultaneously 'embrace' the advent of new technology, and the potentiality/possibility of the novelty of innovation therefore/therein accordingly; consider, research, and develop this further accordingly...