Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Current 04

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

The next 'segment', within an episodic series I've been recording—titled 'Found in Thought'—documenting my work, travelling, and creative experiences (with each in relation to one another).

This section focuses on visiting Croatia; in attendance to the Independent Festival of Creative Communication (or 'IFCC') an event held annually, during the summer season. If it is unfamiliar, this annual 'project', draws together a diverse demographic—an eclectic group of individuals, each with differing experiences, positions, and practices, within their respective 'industries'—to experience a brilliant event, held within a beautiful country, surrounded by interesting people. This was a particular 'high-light' for me, so far.

Current 04 - Preview

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

A very quick sample/compilation—in advance of the 'Current 04' video—of a project that has yet to be edited. The amount of footage is considerable... though I plan on doing it justice; as it was an awesome location, event, and with brilliant people in attendance also.

Current 02

Jay Lockwood Carpenter1 Comment

The second part within an episodic series I'm currently working on. Documenting my experiences with different cultures; there will be --in-line with each 'section'-- an accompanying illustration reflecting the nature of the culture featured.

Shot locally (approximately 30 minutes from where I live) this segment focuses on Great Britain. 

Thank you, more to come, and all the best!

The second part within an episodic series I'm currently working on. Documenting my experiences with different cultures; there will be --in-line with each 'section'-- an accompanying illustration reflecting the nature of the culture featured. Shot locally (approximately 30 minutes from where I live) this segment focuses on Great Britain.

Current 01

Jay Lockwood Carpenter1 Comment

Elements of my recent travels, as well as some of the artwork informed by those experiences.

This was quickly put together, though there is a lot more to edit, and show (particularly the artwork, and a personal project of mine in line with it). 

Thank you for taking an interest, take care guys, and all the best!

Elements of my recent travels, as well as some of the artwork informed by those experiences. This was quickly put together, though there is a lot more to edit, and show (particular the artwork, and a personal project of mine in line with it).