These are notations of a personal nature from January 2016; personal in so far as they are ‘terms’ that are of interest to me, and in which I attempted to define based on my understanding of them accordingly.
Erudite - The acquisition of knowledge to a high/notable degree; and the ability to store, process, and manipulate said knowledge within a cultivated, and learned manor.
Profundity - To have a deep knowledge/understanding, and acute insight into a particular subject.
Syncretism - Is the combing of different, often contradictory beliefs, while blending practices of various schools of thought.
Eclecticism - Is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to gain complementary insights into a subject; applying different theories in particular cases.
Elliptic - Taking the form of, or in-line with the principles of the shape 'ellipse'.
Rectitude - The act of being, or existing within a righteous manor.
Eschatology - The part of theological thinking concerned with death, fate, and the finality or 'end state' of the soul, and humankind.
Epistemology - The study (or theory) of knowledge; especially in regards to its methods, validity, and scope; and the distinction between justified belief, and opinion.
Causality - The relationship between cause, and effect.
Sinology - The study of East Asian (specifically Chinese) culture. Encompassing the study of phonology (the practice of language, both written, and spoken) its politics, and its history.
Agency - A thing or person that acts in order to produce a particular result, or effect.
Enumerate - To place in to order, one to follower another (to list).
Intercessor - One who acts on the behalf of another.
Reticent - Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
Incisive - (Of a person, or mental process) intelligently analytical, and clear-thinking.
Hubris - Excessive pride, or self-confidence.
Tautology - The repetition of the same words/expression, with one following the other (i.e. they followed one another, in quick succession). Deemed a style of writing. Saying/writing the same concept twice, using different words.
Aggregate - The formation of a whole through the combination if it's former separate, individual parts.
Erudition - The quality of having/possessing great knowledge, and understanding, or learning (scholarly).
Concomitant - Naturally accompanying, or associated.
Polemical - Of (or pertaining to) strong criticisms, and disputatious writing, and speech.
Invective - Abusive language.
Idiosyncratic - Pertaining to idiosyncrasy, peculiar, or unique to an individual.
Therianthropy - The mythological ability to metamorphosise between one form, and another (specifically in to forms adhering to animalistic shapes.)
Theriocephaly - Refers to human-beings that simultaneously exhibit both human, and non-human (animal) traits.
Sobriquet - Denoting a person's 'nickname'.
Speculative Fiction - A literary genre developed from human imagination, and not based on, or justified solely through reality (fantasy being a 'sub-genre' within this category.)
Paradigm - A distinct set of principles, theories, and conceptual thoughts/patterns, used to a illustrate a given/unique 'category' of ideas.
Shenmo - A genre of narrative concerning Chinese mythology, and fantasy (with a focus on Chinese deities, spirits, and demons in particular).
Postulate - To use an example assumed to be correct or truthful, as an initial means (or basis) for further speculative debate, and inquiry (justifying certain reasoning, discussion, or beliefs).
Anachronism - The attribution of something (an object, concept, or 'thing') to a period, or time, to which it does not belong (existing within a time, or setting, though occurring within another).