Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Personal Aphorisms Creating, and Developing Still Further

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

I have created these pieces of individual writing, as a means of introspection, and self-reflection; drawing upon my own experience(s)—and sensibilities—in order towards developing further understanding, erudition, and self-actualisation; it is of my own volitional capabilities (and through utilising higher order executive functions) that I produce these contextual ‘products’; the words are of my own making, and formed upon my own unique interactions with life; and it is through willful design that such proclivities (and possible characteristics) are made manifest; it is subjective…

The effect intended for this is to provide an interface; that is between the subjective experiences of an individual, and the seemingly objective ‘meta perspective’ as an emergent property of an investigative methodology that—as something ‘transjective’—leads towards directed study.

I do believe that If this can help, and stimulate a degree of resonance, then such a consilience of seemingly disparate thoughts, actions, and experiences, may further converge upon a novel, and unifying ideology; and if so, then this process of ideation has achieved its result.

My Ideation Contextualised

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment
  • I construct my present, to design my future; although in so doing, I re-define my past…

  • You are the result of yesterdays thoughts, todays words, and tomorrows actions.

  • Fear is the shadow of doubt, a doubt created of one's own fear.

    • Focus not on the claws, but the tail. The pounce was launched many steps prior.

    • Sublimate your fears, your doubts, and your frailties; use these as the materials to construct the mask to which you wear.

    • To play the game, is to first learn the rules, to discover one's position, to see one's purpose, and to act to its realisation (its 'resolution'). Though time has since past, and the rules have changed, the purpose has changed; and so to the game has changed also.

    • The immortal has much to lose, for as with the coniferous tree, up-root it, and it will perish; though leave it, and it will only harden with time.

    • If the belief is well-supported, consider it with a degree of solemnity; if only to be dealt with according to one's own sensibilities.

    • To consume the flesh of another, is to assume its properties; and unless to guarantee an infallible existence, accept the debt of a life now extinguished, and provision yourself for the coming interest.

    • Face the cub, or expose your back to the tiger.

    • From the past, the future arises, as the progenitor births the progeny; though in the latter beware, for should self-awareness give rise to self-interest, the creator will seek to destroy the created, as the master to the student; recognising in it, its own transience.

    • The mental, the physical, both inform, and shape each other; as the Yin, to Yang. The cyclical nature of water pertains to no particular 'source', the brain houses the functions of the mind, though its apparent plasticity suggests an inherent adaptability; take note of such interdependence; as a circle, a line, has no definitive beginning or end, until it is defined. Adhere not to structure, though to cause, and see the end for its beginning.

    • First steel yourself, lest the corrosive sets; should the root take hold, than the plant will grow; isolate the cell, cut away the rot, or forthwith from the ember will spread the flames.

    • Aggressive machinations are likely to occur from within, for it is within are found those so well equipped for such a task. As in-action is an action, you create opportunities.

    • A self-fashioned mirror invites esteem, as it does disdain.

    • Change proceeds necessity, necessity, calamity, calamity, change.

    • Art demands little of the viewer, then of their own experiences.

    • Is life meaningless, if there is not another 'present' to inform us of its meaning? Or do we take ownership of our existence, and choose to live within the meaning we assign it?

    • For the many to live well, the few must make sacrifices. Though should your place be amongst the few, than the many make for good sacrifices.

    • The future recalls the past, not the present.

    • In defining what ‘is’, one is defining what it is ‘not’.

    • Be forever mindful, of when a ‘symbol’ supersedes in value, that which it represents.

    • Perceive the window; look beyond the reflection; see the world for what it is…

Phrases revisited (variants) :

  • I construct my present, to design my future; though in so doing, I destroy my past…

  • The act reveals, what the mind conceals.

  • Focus not on the teeth, but the tail. The pounce was launched many steps prior.

  • Through defining what something is, one is defining what it is not.

  • Be forever conscious, of when a ‘symbol’ supersedes in value, that which it represents.

  • Direct one’s thought towards when a ‘symbol’, supersedes in value, that which it represents.

  • Perceive the window; look beyond the reflection; see the world for what it is; or what it could be…

New progressive thoughts (this section is many years ahead, of/to that which is immediately above (2020).

  • Knowledge external creates the lock, but to I do maketh the key.

  • Knowledge external creates the lock, but oneself do maketh the key.

  • Knowledge external may fashion the door, but oneself may make the key.

  • Knowledge external may fashion the lock, but oneself do maketh the key.

  • Knowledge external may fashion the door, but to I do maketh the key.

  • The space to notice; the journey to awareness

Adjustable (modify):-

  • Seemingly the pursuit of happiness; is …

Adjustable (modify):-

  • Seemingly the pursuit of happiness; is …

Adjustable (modify):-

  • Seemingly the pursuit of happiness; is the happiness within the pursuit…


Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

This section (a collation of personal, idiomatic 'expressions')  further extends its origins as a written distillation of my own writing --elements of select personal 'precepts'-- by eliciting further examination.

The emblematic 'delivery' has been designed so as to allow for one's own insight, to remove 'ego' where possible, and to consider perspective in regards to the self interior (the mind) relative to exterior stimuli, and in accordance to one's own sensibilities.

My own perceptions of these 'phrases' (the personal ideation from which these words stem) and the intentions concerning my writing; are apt to be made manifest through my work, and associated imagery.