Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Observational Thoughts/Considerations of Relational Dynamics; and/or 'Musings' Accordingly

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

. The idea of 'negative capability'; that contradictory, seemingly antithetical concepts can simultaneously co-exist; that to move forward you place one foot infront of the other—that is importantly one at a time; the left foot, and right foot are readily not the same; they fundamentally differ—and although you move from one to other—and shift balance therein accordingly; there is that 'course correction', that relativity, that 'reactivity'; and yet seemingly not despite the differences, but because of them; you arrive at forward motion; and therefore 'balance' accordingly…

. This may in part be considered through the ‘lense’ of perception; the aforementioned example seemingly being much about one's understanding along temporal dimensions as it is about conceptual frameworks…

. Consider, study, learn, and research this further...