Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Observational Thoughts/Considerations of Relational Dynamics; and/or 'Musings' Accordingly

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

. At risk of stereotyping (and anthropomorphising); the differences between the nature of a cat 'positively connecting' to a human, as compared to that of a dog; perhaps could be likened to the degree to which a person is 'agreeable' (with the former 'example' being somewhat low, and the latter somewhat high across this metric); whilst a dog may be quite 'liberal', and/or 'democratic' with the degree to which it is forthcoming with it's trust (and attention); the extent to which a cat can/could be is perhaps more one of scrutiny, discernibility, and of a precision more 'exacting' within the process of judgement, and arbitration; and far less so; and so just as a 'people-pleasing-persona' may struggle to acquire respect; the scarcity mind-set may deem a cat's perceived 'bids' for connection—and it's willingness to otherwise 'engage'—as of a greater quality, value and/or 'worth'; as it may therein yet warrant further effort' to 'earn' the aforementioned 'trust', and 'attention'; increasing its desirability in accordance with it's cost therefore accordingly.

. Consider, study, learn, and research this further...